
Inspiration week on AI in higher education

The University of Tartu is hosting a series of events titled “A global and interdisciplinary perspective on using AI tools in university teaching and learning” from 15–18 October 2024.

The keynote speaker will be Associate Professor Annette Vee from the University of Pittsburgh, a leading expert in the fields of composition, literacy studies, software studies, and computers and writing, with a focus on the intersections of computation and writing, particularly in the context of generative AI.

The main event will be held on 15 October at the University of Tartu. This full-day event is aimed at lecturers, supervisors, programme directors, academic developers, and instructional designers. It will include a keynote speech, a moderated roundtable with Annette Vee and Estonian higher education professionals, and several practical workshops. UTTV is going to broadcast the plenary session and the panel discussion on 15 October. 

The associated event will also take place at Viljandi Culture Academy (16 October).

On 18 October, a special presentation and workshop for students will be held in Tartu, addressing the opportunities and limitations of generative AI in learning and providing practical recommendations for its use. 

These events provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogue, enhancing understanding of AI in education, and developing practical skills for integrating AI tools into teaching and learning.

The events are organised in collaboration with the Baltic American Freedom Foundation (BAFF).

See the programme

Please fill in the registration form to participate.

Registration for events in Tartu

Registration for the seminar in Viljandi

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